SOE White paper
Station Exchange, SOE’s auction site for Sony’s MMOs, published a white paper on the activities of its first year. By now the press release has been plastered all over the www, but I suggest you read it yourself. Props to Gamasutra for being the only one actually hosting the document. Highlights after the jump.
- “A total of 51,680 auctions were opened during the first year, and 39,743 were successfully completed.” (5)
- “…players are willing to spend a hefty sum of money on characters, with an average of $91.55 spent per customer.” (6)
- Seems like Californians and people from Levittown, PA have plenty of time on their hands to become both the biggest buyers and sellers. (9-10)
- It takes about 2,000 hours to reach max level, with or without buying fancy items on the side. (17)
- Interesting quote from Ducheneaut & Yee-study (pdf): “The purchase of high-end armor and weaponry can also increase a player