NBC Universal + EA: iVillage.com
After reporting earlier that NBC Universal is collaborating on an online BattleStar franchise with Sierra Online, they’re now also targeting women. Together with EA, the company is looking to create a co-branded games channel featuring casual games from EA’s Pogo.com. Apparently iVillage has 16 million members, and Pogo.com claims another 14 million as well as being the number 1 gaming site for 25-54, according to ComScore Media Metrix.
I’m not sure what to make of this because beyond more of less bundling their efforts, there seems to be very little new content. Maybe it springs from the traditional mindset of media companies that dictates having a bigger pipe means having a bigger audience. But I’m sceptical about empty claims like: “This relationship will allow us to reach even more women than ever before.” Yawn.