
King of the Kong [movie]

Ran across this movie today. Will go check it out shortly because it looks awesome. Choice quote from the Donkey Kong record holder: "No matter what I say, it draws controversy. Sort of like the abortion issue." Trailer URL after the jump. — read on

Why I’m always right.

So, without bragging, I feel I've made some accurate predictions about the gaming industry. Here I will elaborate a little on one of them, because I checked the numbers today and I feel pretty accomplished. — read on

New industry, old ideas.

[Whoa, what a giant interlude.] Today I ran across an announcement that Harvey Birdman will soon "hatch" on various console platforms. Nothing new here, at first sight. Especially since not too long ago Midway purchased the license for Aqua Teen Hunger Force, another Adult Swim program. But the Harvey Birdman thing is one of the first steps of Capcom's larger journey deeper into Hollywood. — read on

Career in tabloid journalism imminent

In a couple of hours lots of train-riding Dutchies will read my <insert clever adjective here> contribution to the Dutch version of Metro News. It's entirely in Dutch so don't bother. Hi mom! — read on

E3 impression

I had wanted to write something snide about media covering E3 this year, but I've decided that I'm enjoying myself too much. As you move from one location to the next, you sometimes encounter a real awkward vibe. A sort of "anxious, young men competing" type of feeling. Everyone's too cool for school, which is probably why E3 grew into such a testosterone-filled bunch of nonsense like it did. — read on

Slave to the Rhythm Located at E3

Oh my goodness.


— read on

“relevant companies”

Complaining is of course inevitable when E3 is scaled down to facilitate only the "relevant companies" instead of 25,000+ horny teenagers. Ironically, while most game-related professionals pride themselves with games as "serious" and as being "art," their annual convention so far seemed to revolve around less noble motivations. In my mind, it's particularly the always-happy-to-get-free-stuff-crowd disguised as editors and journalists that are pissed that they're either not invited at all, or, if they are, have to schlep around between different venues. — read on

Game mods & Post-Industrial Play

Yesterday (June 28) I mapped out some of the territory of what will be part of my dissertation proposal for a 40+ audience at Columbia Business School. Over the last six months modding has become an inevitable chapter since it seems integral to much of what I think video gaming is all about. So as part of my presentation I drew up a brief case study of the industrious people over at Derelict Studios. — read on

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