
E3: July 11, 12 & 13

So I got myself invited. In honesty I've never been to any of the previous renditions and thus sorely missed out on the annual cornucopia of technology and the suggestion of imminent copulation. So my street cred within the better paid echelons of gamer society is without doubt low. But that may be a good thing. Perhaps there'll actually be room to talk about how all this fun & games is going to sustain itself... — read on

ESPN [Disney/Hearst]: sports & video games

As if it needed any evidence that video games are the sports of the 21st century, ESPN has announced it'll add a slew of 40 games to its site. Under the name ESPN Arcade, created in collaboration with casual & advergame developer Skyworks, sports fans can play online and collect trophies and other obviousness. — read on

Disney triples game dev effort

According to this article, Disney is reaching out and grabbing itself a piece. Last year Disney spent about $100 million on game development, which has increased to $130 million this year and, over the next five years, will further grow to $350 million "per year in video game investment, principally consoles and handhelds," according to CFO Tom Staggs. — read on

Disney *sigh*

As an early hypothesis to my oncoming batch of company profiles for DFC Intelligence, I predict that Disney will surprise no one with the transmigration of existing IP into a variety of tired franchises. Of course, this is a pessimistic way of stating the obvious, but at the same time the leverage that these giant companies have could be used to innovate the game industry, rather than making a quick buck. disneyprincess — read on

The Emporer’s New Media

[What follows is a promo piece I've been working with George Chronis for DFC. It is, as is the rest of the Internet, in a permanent state of beta.] With Viacom’s re-entry into the gaming industry comes a lot of buzz and great expectations. Clearly such a media giant may have a profound effect on the gaming landscape. In other words, some caution is in order. — read on

City, Games & Media

I've almost finished the paper that I presented in Berlin. This post is both an announcement of to that effect as well as a shoutout to the people who helped me piece it together. I'm posting the intro-section for now since this might be published as part of the conference proceedings. If you want the current draft version of the whole thing, just shoot me a line. Enjoy. [I've also created a page with some of the online references & resources I collected along the way.] — read on


berlinmap This weekend I'm German. I accepted an invitation from the Center for Metropolitan Studies and am spending four days in Berlin. On Friday I presented my paper "Cities, Games & Media," which'll be available online shortly. — read on

And we’re back II

After successfully transferring my entire digital existence to the helpful people at DreamHost, I've finally gotten around to logging back in. Lots of interesting activity has kept me away, but I'm better for it. Next stop, Berlin. — read on

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