I'm up at MIT this weekend, meeting people, being friendly, conferencing. One thing that I'm noticing is an eery symbiosis between older professors and hipsters. The former provides credibility and the momentum to actually have a conference. The latter provides the endless library of Internet clips, snippets, and pop cultural artifacts and remixes.
— read on
After the usual OMGWTF-responses after the recent announcement/leaked memo that SCEE is laying off 160 people who are suddenly too expensive (redundant), I remain puzzled by the following comment. According to the corp. comm. guy at SCEE, "we are entering a future of increasingly networked and converged entertainment." — read on
Oh boy. The success of SL seems to give people ideas. Courtesy of GigaGamez this new 'market,' if you must call it that, now knows a list of virtual worlds: "Sony — read on
I've been invited to part of a panel at a conference this May at the Center for Metropolitan Studies. Besides being excited to get to go to Berlin, it'll be fun to investigate the communalities between mediated spaces and video games. I will update as it rolls along. — read on
[note: I've decided to rename the "G.o.t.m.o" category to Events because it's easier to not have to keep count and doesn't look half as dumb.] In two weeks I'm headed to MIT for the first time ever. They're holding a conference called Media in Transition (MiT, get it?), subtitled "Creativity, Ownership, and Collaboration in the Digital Age." I'll be part of a panel (abstract) with Alec Austin, Casey O'Donnell, and moderated by Eric Klopfer. This conference is rather massive, so my alleged location will be room E25-117 where I should be from 1:30 - 3:00 on Saturday April 28th. — read on
As gaming and game play becomes increasingly less important to game companies, the real money this year seems to be coming from collaborations with media companies. Already knee-deep in IP territory, EA announced that it is going to provide "cutting edge avatar creation technology" to basically make a dimmed down version of whatever it is that people think SL and WoW must be like. — read on
The terms of the deal require Interplay to begin — read on
It strikes me as odd that when someone announces a new game, the press release spews a ton of circumstantial information at you but not a word about game play. Spiderman 3, predictably, will be filled to brim with original actors who should still be "in character" and the PS3 and XBOX360 capacity blablabla... — read on
Finally, someone combined my two favorite hobbies: simulator games and dubstep. Sweet, sweet nectar....
First person perspective is highly symbolic of the subjective point of view from which we, faced an ...
Insert your favorite French philosopher's musings on co-existing meta-realities here. Then stop bein...
The cure for the common GTA clone. Heck, the Hulk puts GTA to shame. One enjoys roaming one's h...
After this illustrious example of hilarity, I've now also located a Dutch sesame street remix, web 2...