
Warner Bros. Interactive + TT Games: LEGO Batman

After the success of the LEGO Star Wars games, it was only a matter of time before other blockbuster movie characters would be reincarnated in LEGO-space. Nonetheless, I'm excited about it because that Star Wars game was awesome. Nostalgia and 21st century tech mixed up into another great thing to do instead of working. — read on

Game Industry Outsourcing

During a recent project, one person I interviewed told me about how big outsourcing is becoming in the video game industry. Apparently entire divisions are located in Poland, China, and Latin-America. Obviously this is no different than what goes on in the movie industry, where holding a financial ruler to every project and making a studio increasingly time efficient led to a distributed - rather than centralized - production process. — read on

Midway + Cartoon Network (Time Warner): ATHF game

Clearly I generally wield an objective methodology and entirely neutral view. But perhaps this once one can make the argument that I too am susceptible to hysteria. More specifically, Midway announced today that it's working on "Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am." athf-znpa.jpg — read on

Sony’s Home

Why Sony's announcement to create its own online community is great big news, I'm not exactly sure. It seems to me that Sony has been consistently working towards placing their consumer electronics at "the center of the living room," and that the interconnectivity of all those overpriced devices has been the main reason behind their sometimes slow release. What else did you expect from the people behind EQ? — read on

MTVN’s Online properties: Rapt Inc & your children

I'm not going to say it's child labor just yet. But this whole "user-generated content" thing is started to take on some serious proportions as companies deploy tools to monetize on "kid created original content." At least give them some free stuff. — read on

South Park on your XBOX 360

As much as MTVN has been busy trying to move gaming into TV shows and vice versa, they're also exploring the possibility of distributing TV content by using consoles as a platform. I'm imagining some kind of Viacom/Microsoft variety of YouTube, where the former releases its programming over the latter's infrastructure. — read on

EA, MTV, and Harmonix

Apparently, EA, MTV, and Harmonix (which is also MTV, but whatever) announced at "an invite-only press event" that they came up with some brilliant idea "the details of which will be revealed at a later date." Sigh. — read on

Joichi Ito on WoW (Berlin, 2006)

While my own writing and research is moving towards mods, collaborative game design, and multi-producer games, I'm starting to notice that this hooks in nicely with some recent talks and articles. I found this excellent review of Joichi's talk at 23C3 in Berlin. — read on

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