
Gold Farming

MTV - a well-known distributor of truth and reality - looks into goldfarming, dramatically titled "The Real Cost of Gold Farming." On a serious note, without yelling "Outsourcing," what exactly would a virtual sweatshop look like? click for video — read on

Initiate Operation “Getting out there more often” (g.o.t.m.o)

Since sitting around in an otherwise awesome office doesn't strike me as sufficient to deliver a creative and inspired piece of writing, I've decided to 'get out there more often.' There's plenty to do around town (NYC) and most of it is free anyway. First stop: State of Play - December 1 & 2 — read on

8-bit music

Friggin' awesome. More music for your bit. Cyriac — read on

Crappy new video game search engine.

Cool idea, great tool. If only they'd make it work properly. Standing by for update... — read on

Southpark & WoW — read on

Futurist guy reverse-engineers Buddhism. Big deal.

A future society will very likely have the technological ability and the motivation to create large numbers of completely realistic historical simulations and be able to overcome any ethical and legal obstacles to doing so. It is thus highly probable that we are a form of artificial intelligence inhabiting one of these simulations. To avoid stacking (i.e. simulations within simulations), the termination of these simulations is likely to be the point in history when the technology to create them first became widely available, (estimated to be 2050). Long range planning beyond this date would therefore be futile.
Source: click. — read on

Stunning political breakthrough

Serious conclusions drawn after investigative research... — read on

Trash in spaaaaace.

Astronauts aboard space shuttle Atlantis will perform another inspection of the ship Wednesday after at least two mysterious objects were spotted floating in the vehicle's orbit
According to one of them: "While we have not definitively put this interesting little picture to bed, there is considerable thought that it is just a plastic bag that came from somewhere and got loose." — read on

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