
Live & Direct from G4C

Reporting live from 12th street, I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that serious games and I can date for a while, but I don't see a long term relationship. — read on

Serious Games: Prelude

As part of my preparation for the imminent Games for Change festival here in NYC, I've compiled a list of serious games. — read on

Less of the Same

Some time ago I saw a lecture by Steven B. Johnson: one of the people I love to quote in my whole video game dissertation thing. I'm particularly keen of his notion of "data making sense of other data." I had hoped to hear more about the future, but ended up with a mouthful of Web one point oh. — read on

Phones suck for online gaming

As part of a report on casual games and browser-based MMOGs, I just completed a table of one company's available online payment methods. Organized by country, it lists how gamers all over the place can pay for their virtual currency and in-game items. — read on

Gentlemen, we had the technology. So we rebuilt it.

Woo hoo! Waffler enters the 2.0 era of delectably clickable buttons and zippy pop-ups menus. — read on

Barcelona in November

So it looks like I'll be headed to Barcelona this November. My proposal for ECREA 2008 got accepted and now I will go shoulder-to-shoulder with communication "specialists studying the role of communications and media in society, with a special emphasis on European challenges." C'est le w00t, bonhomme. — read on

Video Games Live: review

I'm all for video games graduating into some "serious" cultural form, just like comic books and bubblegum. But I'm not convinced that a poorly organized screamfest is going to convince anyone of video games' merits.

— read on

Waffler Relaunch

Just as summer rolls in, the webtastic internetmaster of the universe is finalizing the new design. All aspiring doctoral students want to put their best foot forward, so let me put on a pretty dress. — read on

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