
Flanagan’s “Next Level”

After Locating Play & Politics, I read Flanagan's earlier Next Level (.pdf). Generally, in order to fully understand a writer's present argument it helps to read some of their earlier ideas. So too with Ms. Flanagan. — read on

XBOX & female gamers

So here's a question. Suppose, in an entirely fictional reality, M$ was looking to increase their share of "women" and "lapsed" gamers. What would you recommend they do? There are, obviously, no financial boundaries. First, women gamers love casual games. You know, Diner Dash or Bejeweled type of stuff. What a company like M$ could do is a) make the downloadable ones more user-friendly (no bs with buying credits or spyware), and b) make their MSN games available on browser other than IE. This type of game is generally played at work (where people have computers that are up to par), so approaching it from that angle would be one venue. — read on

From the Bowels of the Educational System

I'm posting this while proctoring the mid-term at Hunter. Blood, sweat and tears. No not really, but ... — read on

Locating Flanagan

After I found out that Mary Flanagan, the big kahuna at Tiltfactor Lab, also roams the hallways at Hunter college, I decided to dive into her writing before making contact. So today I read "Locating Play and Politics: Real World Games & Activism." — read on

Designers Dethroned

Where I previously discussed my (dis)agreements with Georgia Tech's approach to games as communication, today I ran across Ted Friedman's "The Semiotics of SimCity." What follows is a brief review and how it fits into my larger project. — read on

Georgia Tech & me

As I'm plotting my dissertation proposal, I'm reviewing current approaches towards videogames. One of the more interesting ones is the one gaining momentum over at Georgia Tech (GT), which emphasizes the "expressive potential of games." But while they are doing the field a big favor, I have my reservations. — read on

Rex Martin: “Cardboard Warriors”

In the ongoing investigation of how games communicate, I ran across Rex Martin's dissertation. Wowsers. That guy is brilliant. — read on


Today I learned a new word. Apparently it originates from the magical kingdom called Microsoft, because that's what Jeff Bell says. But man, who would've thunk it that coopetition would actually mean something. What's next? Guestimation? Strategery? — read on

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