Last night was great. I was very happy to see so many people show up at the 'I kicked cancer's a$$' party. They came in from Chicago, Pennsylvania, and DC. Pictures after the jump. — read on
While here at the annual meeting of the AAA, I'm noticing a dire lack of technology. — read on
The invitation reads: What: Joost beat cancer and his hair is growing back, so let's celebrate! Where: Sin Sin Lounge in the East Village (more details to follow) When: Saturday December 8th, 10pm.
— read the title of a paper I will be presenting at the, bear with me, 106th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Washington DC this November 28th. (program) My main argument breaks down like this: — read on
On Sept 29th Janelle and I got married in Pennsylvania, and everyone was there. Turns out that Dutchies and Trinis all like to dance. Non-incriminating pictures after the jump. — read on
No, not me. But one of the regular sites I read is finally back online. This time around under the guise of microkid. (10 points if you catch the pop reference) Go. Read. Enjoy. — read on
After my previous post, detailing numbers that seem to tell some analysts that M$ is "blowing away" the competition but really don't, here's more ammo. Despite the happy times for Xbox in the U.S., the console just isn't doing much in Japan. — read on
Unsurprisingly several months of a massive PR assault from Microsoft is followed by a spike in sales. Halo 3 racked up 3.3 million units since launch, which is not bad, but then again also not that out of the ordinary for a blockbuster title. Nonetheless, the hand that feeds will not be bitten, and analysts use magical math to make it seem as if Xbox 360 is some revolutionary occurrence in the history of the video game industry. Count with me. — read on
Finally, someone combined my two favorite hobbies: simulator games and dubstep. Sweet, sweet nectar....
First person perspective is highly symbolic of the subjective point of view from which we, faced an ...
Insert your favorite French philosopher's musings on co-existing meta-realities here. Then stop bein...
The cure for the common GTA clone. Heck, the Hulk puts GTA to shame. One enjoys roaming one's h...
After this illustrious example of hilarity, I've now also located a Dutch sesame street remix, web 2...