World of Warcraft drops to 9,999,999 subscribers
I quit. The past several months I haven’t even once thought about playing. It was only when I kept noticing these recurrent charges on my credit card that I felt it was time. Thank you, Blizzard, but no thanks.
If you’re looking for a reason, then maybe it was this. After I spent hours and hours collecting enough gold to buy my undead unicorn, I found the upgrade to be marginal. And the prospect of doing more of the same, albeit at +60% the traveling speed, just didn’t strike me as a priority. I also couldn’t really reconcile my time spent at the AH and the minimal increments with which my character seemed to advance. And finally, there’s no way to make it all the way to level whatever without killing stuff. That’s lame. I had this whole thing worked out where I’d be a non-violent, nature-loving good guy. But alas, I was forced to murder. Well, I say “no more!”
But seriously. Great game, just too time consuming. WoW doesn’t just compete with other MMOGs, but with every other game out there because it is such a highly involved game to play. There are so many more fish in the sea….
Good post.. I liked the part about the non-violent wow character..haha
I quit wow a few months ago and I guess I chose a bad time to try and sell y account ie. after age of conan was released.. DOH! now there are soooo many people trying to pawn off their chars. Now my account is probably worthless, but I do have about 10kg and 2x 70′s albeit only one has tier4 and the other is a pocket picking poor ass rogue with shit gear.
I was certain that Age of Conan would get about a 6 rating after I tried the beta.. that was the worst beta I ever played for any game.