Gentlemen, we had the technology. So we rebuilt it.
Woo hoo! Waffler enters the 2.0 era of delectably clickable buttons and zippy pop-ups menus.
Thanks to the hardest working programmer on teh Interwebs, the html-ninja over at Super Interactive [site to come], I am now sporting a pretty new dress. Just in time for Spring.
But wait, there’s more! Obviously we didn’t go through the whole dang process of updating the site just to change some color schemes. That would be weak. The whole exercise was motivated by the question: how can we organize this site in a coherent, accessible way? And so this is our answer.
Beyond obvious reading material, I’ll be tracking game-related CFPs and game events around the world. I use both of things myself all the time, and it’s just not worth it to keep fwding it all. Instead, you can find it here.
Next, for the sake of my dissertation, I’m organizing my reading. Filed under Resources you’ll find a couple of topical universes. And of course there’ll be relevant (well mostly) videos and, of course, lit reviews of academic waffling.
So maybe you find it helpful. And if you’ve got something to add, don’t be shy.