MTVN’s Online properties: Rapt Inc & your children

I’m not going to say it’s child labor just yet. But this whole “user-generated content” thing is started to take on some serious proportions as companies deploy tools to monetize on “kid created original content.” At least give them some free stuff.

A company called Rapt Inc. will be deploying its “media monetization platform across MTVN’s U.S.-based online properties.” Its various solutions, such as “Inventory Manager” and “Price Director” will assist MTVN in capturing “maximum value for its advertising assets.”

That would all sound dandy, if it weren’t for the awkward coincidental press release in which MTVN’s Nickelodeon announces to start directing kids “to a website to post their kid created original content, which may be either scripted into a future iCarly (some show) episode or become part of Carly’s web cast online.”

Discussion (1 comment)
Jesse March 12th, 2007 (11:33 pm)

Hey Waffler…

Interesting post. I was just reading Shelly Palmer’s essay, “MTV’s New Web Strategy”) and he thinks that it will be very hard for MTV to make up for lost time. (Of course, this is internet time, which moves pretty fast.)

This Rapt announcement is part of their attempt at “ctach up,” clearly. But, very little can be done to fix the mistake of not buying MySpace.

- Jesse

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