This is an ever-expanding collection of summaries, excerpts, and quotes of some of the books that have thusfar been part of my overal project. For better or worse, I’ll start by putting up my reading list for my comps.
Aarseth, Espen, J. (1997) Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. John Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD.
Boal, Augusto (2004) Theatre of the Oppressed. Theatre Communications Group, Inc.: New York, Eighth print (original published in 1974, translated in 1979)
Huizinga, Johannes. (1950) Homo Ludens: a Study of the Play-Element in Culture. The Beacon Press: Boston
Carey, James.W. (1989) Communication As Culture: Essays on Media and Society New York: Routledge. ISBN: 0-04-445062-1/0-415-90725-X
McNeill, H. W. (1982) The Pursuit of Power: Technology Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000. The University Press of Chicago
Eitzen, Stanley D. (1989) Sport in Contemporary Society: An Anthology. Third Edition. St. Martin���s Press, New York
Wolf, J.P., Perron, B. (2003) The Video Game Theory Reader. Routledge: New York & London
De Landa, Manuel. (1990) War in the Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Lenoir, Tim. All But War Is Simulation: The Military-Entertainment Complex. In: Configurations, 2000, 8:289-335.
Raessens, Joost, Goldstein, Jeffrey. (eds.) (2005) Handbook of Computer Game Studies. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Wardrip-Fruin, Noah., Harrigan, P. (eds.) (2004) First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game. MIT Press.
Havelock, Eric A. (1963) Preface to Plato: History of the Greek Mind. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
De Grazia, Sebastian. (1994) Of Time, Work, and Leisure. Random House, New York, Toronto.
Caillois, Roger. (1958) Man, Play and Games. University of Illionois Press, Chicago.
Arcangeli, Alessandro. (2003) Recreation in the Renaissance: Attitudes towards Leisure and
Pasttimes in European Culture, c. 1425-1675. Palgrave, MacMillan.
Aries, Philippe, Margolin, Jean-Claude (1982) Les Jeux ?� la Renaissance: Actes du XXIIIe Colloque International d���?�tudes Humanistes, Tours ��� Juillet 1980. Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.
Decker, Wolfgang (1992) Sports and Games of Ancient Egypt. Translated by Allen Guttmann. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.
McLuhan, Marshall. (1962) The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. University of Toronto Press
McLuhan, Marshall (1997) Forward through the Rearview Mirror: Reflections On and By Marshall McLuhan. The MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England
Lefebvre, Henri. (2004) The Production of Space. Blackwell Publishing: UK
Manovich, Lev. (2001) The Language of New Media. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England
Gitlin, Todd. (2001) Media Unlimited: How the Torrent of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives. Metropolitan Books: Henry Holt and Company, New York
Deibert, R.J. (1997) Parchment, Printing, and Hypermedia: Communication in World Order Transformation. Columbia University Press: New York
Johnson, Steven. (1997) Interface Culture: How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate. Basic Books, New York.
Carey, James.W. ���Harold Adams Innis and Marshall McLuhan��? in: Rosenthal, R. (1968)
McLuhan: Pro and Con. Penguin Books: Baltimore.
Frisby, D., Featherstone, M. (eds.) Simmel on Culture: Selected Writings. Sage Publications, London, Thousands Oaks, New Delhi.
Crary, Jonathan. Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, London England, 1992.
Kittler, Friedrich A. Grammophon, Film, Typewriter. Brinkmann & Bose, Berlin, 1986.
Marvin, Carolyn. (1988) When Old Technologies Were New: Thinking About Electric Communication in the Late Nineteenth Century. Oxford University Press, New York.
Dewey, John. Art as Experience. Capricorn Books, New York, 1958.
Galloway, Alexander. Gaming ��� Essays on Algorithmic Culture. University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming.
Panofsky, Erwin (1997) Perspective as Symbolic Form. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, London.
Rossiter, Ned. ���Processual Media Theory��? Symploke 11.1-2 (2003): 104-31.
Virilio, Paul. Desert Screen: War at the Speed of Light. Continuum, NY, 2002.
Charney, Leo, Schwartz, Vanessa R. (eds) (1995) Cinema and the Invention of Modern Life. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London.
Mumford, Lewis (1963) Technics and Civilization. Harvest Books.
Wells, Paul (2002) Animation and America. Rutgers University Press, New Jersey.
Various, Murray, P., Dorsch, T.S. (translators) (2004) Classical Literary Criticism. Penguin Group, London, England.
Panofsky, Erwin (1951) Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism. J. Pieper
Galison, Peter (2001) War Against the Center. Grey Room 4: 6-33.
Galison, Peter (2003) Einstein���s Clocks, Poincar?����s Maps: Empires of Time. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London.
Sennett, Richard (2000) The Corrosion of Character: Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism. W.W. Norton & Co, Ltd., England
Benkler, Yochai (2006) The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom. Yale University Press.
Innis, Harold A. (1999) The Bias of Communication. University of Toronto Press
Silverstone, Roger (1994) Television and everyday life. London, New York, Routledge.
Douglas, Thomas. Hacker Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
Geertz, Clifford (2000) ���Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight��? in: The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books.
Kern, Stephen (1984) The Culture of Time and Space: 1880 ��� 1918. Harvard University Press.
Williams, Dmitri (2005). Bridging the Methodological Divide in Game Research. In: Simulation & Gaming. 36(4), p. 447-463.
Duchenaut, Nicolas, e.a. (not yet published) The Life and Death of Online Gaming Communities: A Look at Guilds in World of Warcraft. Prepared for CHI 2007, Montr?�al, Qu?�bec, Canada.
Duchenaut, Nicolas, e.a. (2006) ���Alone Together?��? Exploring the Social Dynamics of Massively Multiplayer Online Games. Presented at CHI 2006, April 22-27, 2006, Montr?�al, Qu?�bec, Canada.
Buenza, D., Stark, D. (2003) The Organization of Responsiveness: Innovation and Recovery in the Trading Rooms of Lower Manhattan. In: Socio-Economic Review (2003) 1, 135-164.